
f. scott fitzgerald


Jorge Luis Borges asseverates in scarce, arid lines, that F. S. Fitzgerald, whose vital mission was “to be brave”, represents, more than other authors of the American Jazz Age, the World War I´s post-days[1]. The Great Gatsby[2], ergo, is a historic document. H. L. Mencken declares that the Gatsby´s plot is just a “glorified anecdote” developed in “bawdy house parties”, in colorful fallacies that are inhabited by “marionettes”. Such an anecdote is valuable, he affirms, due to “the charm and beauty of the writing”, due to the sentences, which “roll along smoothly, sparklingly, variously”[3]. We will test these three adjectives.

Recién presentada en Berlín, rinde homenaje al mundo de la edición literaria

A Contracorriente Films estrenará en nuestro país "Genius", del debutante Michael Grandage, el biopic sobre la relación de dos genios: Thomas Wolfe y su editor Max Perkins, descubridor de novelistas icónicos como F. Scott Fitzgerald y Ernest Hemingway.

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