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Se celebra a finales de febrero en la localidad irlandesa de Limerick

Limerick Literary Festival
Limerick Literary Festival
El novelista Dan Mooney presentará el programa del Festival Literario de Limerick a las 5:00 p. m. el miércoles 24 de enero en la librería O'Mahony's de Limerick.
Verso e Pessoa
Verso e Pessoa

Poderá servir esta breve antologia, organizada pelo autor dos poemas que a constituem, para apresentar aos leitores portugueses boa parte da produção poética de Ricardo Martinez-Conde que se exprime ora em castelhano – a sua língua de formação, assim como ferramenta para o seu trabalho de docente universitário -, ora no seu próprio idioma, o galego, que ele nasceu, em 1951, em Aldariz, no termo da estação turística de Sanxenxo.

Inmanuel Kant
Inmanuel Kant (Foto: Archivo)
A translator is just a field worker, and not an artist. A translator must have in mind the next axioms, namely: 1) the perceptions of the average man are singular; 2) the reproductions of his imagination are subjective; 3) his words belong to the common sense of his society. With such axioms and with some examples we will analyze four modes of translation.
Feria del libro español en Londres
Feria del libro español en Londres
Por José An. Montero

Londres volverá a ser la capital del libro y del fanzine en español entre los próximos días 11 y 19 de octubre con la celebración de la tercera edición del London Spanish Book & Zine Fair 2021 (LSBF).

Universidad de UCLA
Universidad de UCLA
El presidente Pedro Sánchez protagonizará este jueves, día 22 en la Universidad de California (UCLA), en Los Ángeles, un acto sobre el prestigio y el potencial de crecimiento del español y sus culturas en Estados Unidos, que organizan dicha universidad y el Instituto Cervantes. Su intervención se producirá nueve días después de la aprobación por el Consejo de Ministros de un centro del Instituto en esa megápolis, considerada la capital hispana de EE.UU., y que será el primero en la costa oeste de EE.UU.
Luis García Montero
Luis García Montero
El Instituto Cervantes abrirá este año un centro en la ciudad de Los Ángeles, según aprobó este martes el Consejo de Ministros, con el objetivo de promocionar “el español y la difusión de la cultura en español en la costa oeste de Estados Unidos, donde la presencia hispana es especialmente significativa”, tal como recoge el real decreto que lo autoriza. En esa ciudad, en concreto en la prestigiosa Universidad de California (UCLA), el presidente Pedro Sánchez intervendrá el próximo día 22 un acto sobre el potencial del español y sus culturas en Estados Unidos.
Moby Dick
Moby Dick

The “logical thinker”, as Borges affirms (1), can find “patterns” in poetic metaphors. I will try to indicate some logical patterns in eight books.

Cuando llegué a Irlanda en 1968 para trabajar como Lector de español en el departamento de Estudios Hispánicos de la Universidad Trinity College de Dublín no existía ningún centro o instituto cultural español en el país, En Dublín organizaba actividades culturales la "Dublin Spanish Society" fundada en 1945.
Moby Dick
Moby Dick

The Encyclopaedia Britannica poorly affirms that Melville's Moby Dick (1) admits “numerous, if not seemingly infinite, readings” (2), and that the keys to understand it are the biblical verses and names. This suggestion is based in the old hermeneutics, whose three mainstays are: “mystice”, “allegorice”, “symbolice”.

Kate O´Brian
Kate O´Brian (Foto: Archivo)

If the King Philip II used the expression “that lady” to name Ana de Mendoza, the Princess of Eboli, in a derogatory and revengeful way, Kate O’Brien gave it a different meaning as the title of her seventh novel, published in 1947.

La Odisea
La Odisea

The philosophy of Immanuel Kant is useful to knit literary readings. With some Kantian principles and without ancient erudition we have attained hermeneutic conclusions on Homer, conclusions which coincide with the Homeric opinions of masters like Matthew Arnold and Alexander Pope. Homer says (The Iliad, book three, translated by George Chapman):

Benengeli 2021
Benengeli 2021
From June 28 to July 1, Instituto Cervantes will hold the “Benengeli 2021”, an online literary festival conceived to promote the dialogue between Spanish-language writers and their colleagues in several English-speaking countries.

These awards include three categories
Spain-Ireland Awards
Spain-Ireland Awards

The María Zambrano Center for Transatlantic Studies at the University of Malaga (AMZET) advocates for the continuous promotion of research regarding the relations between Spain and Ireland. For this purpose, it has announced the Spain-Ireland Awards that include three categories in different areas: The George Campbell Award, the Kate O’Brien Award, and the Robert Boyd Award.

The Irish language gains full official and working status on a par with other official languages of the European Union

Todhchaí nua ar leic an dorais don Ghaeilge agus beidh stádas iomlán oifigiúil agus oibre ag an teanga anois in Institiúidí an Aontais Eorpaigh

Cuirfear deireadh ag meánoíche anocht (31 Nollaig 2021) leis an maolú a bhí i bhfeidhm ar stádas na Gaeilge sna hInstitiúidí Eorpacha agus beidh sí anois ar chomhchéim le teangacha oifigiúla eile an AE. Is ar an 1 Eanáir 2007 a tugadh stádas oifigiúil agus oibre don Ghaeilge ach bhí socrú maolaithe i bhfeidhm ó shin i leith, mar gheall ar ghanntanas foirne aistriúcháin, a chuir srian ar an méid ábhair a aistríodh go Gaeilge.

Luis García Montero
Luis García Montero (Foto: Javier Velasco Oliaga)

La Semana Cervantina se traslada este año a México, país al que viajará Luis García Montero del 21 al 24 de abril para recoger el legado de la última poeta viva del exilio republicano, Carmen Castellote y participar en varias actividades culturales organizadas por la Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México (UNAM) con motivo del Día Internacional del Libro. García Montero mantendrá, además, varias reunionse con representantes del Gobierno mexicano.

Georgy Zhukov
Georgy Zhukov

We have all heard on occasion that the American company Coca-Cola once produced a completely colorless version. The strategy was a total fiasco, because consumers around the world were used to the dark caramel color of this most typical American soft drink.

Immanuel Kant
Immanuel Kant

I pretend to teach how I perused public opinion and caused social conflicts when I was a political propagandist. I will not do this anymore. I am repented. Our mind displays three fundamental operations, which could be called, for the sake of simplicity, “unions”, “separations” and “comparisons”. These mental movements carry two paradigms, namely: monism and atomism.

Teresa de Cepeda y Kate O' Brian
Teresa de Cepeda y Kate O' Brian

They were two exceptional women. One was born in Ávila, Spain, in the sixteenth century, and another in Limerick Ireland, at the end of the nineteenth century.

Sobre "Tierra Inestable" de Claire Fuller
Tierra inestable
Tierra inestable

Viví en Winchester una temporada. Yo era bastante más joven de lo que soy, y aquel pueblo me parecía un mundo. Ahora, que la edad me bendice con el don de la perspectiva (a veces), he podido aprender dos cosas: en primer lugar, que aquel pueblo liliputiense no era tan grande cómo me parecía entonces. En segundo lugar, que es mi gran punto de unión con la literatura: comienza por la historia del Rey Arturo, su espada y su mesa redonda, y termina (de momento) en Claire Fuller.

Sobre "Journey to the Metaverse" de Antonio Flores-Galea
Journey to the Metaverse
Journey to the Metaverse
El Metaverso ha sido objeto de mucha atención en los últimos años, y con razón. Se espera que esta tecnología tenga un impacto significativo en nuestra vida cotidiana y en la economía global. Antonio Flores-Galea, un ingeniero español con experiencia en inteligencia artificial, robótica y realidad virtual, ha publicado el primer libro en Estados Unidos sobre las oportunidades y riesgos del Metaverso, titulado “Journey to the Metaverse”.
Roland Barthes
Roland Barthes

A literary personage is neither the psychological outcome of an eery aery fluke, which may be termed “fiction”, nor bread swelled by merely leavening dough with the sour sweat of our foreshadowing brows, which can be named “mimesis”. Writers of the world, we’ve a bunch of easy techniques to hoist plausible personages. In my sight, for instance, Roland Barthes’ Mythologies has been a top-notch well of aesthetic wisdom. Furthermore, it contains, in a buttonholing way, some well wrought literary tricks.

Sede del Instituto Cervantes en Malabo
Sede del Instituto Cervantes en Malabo

El director del Instituto Cervantes, Luis García Montero, viaja a Malabo, capital de Guinea Ecuatorial, del 20 al 22 de julio para inaugurar la Tribuna del Hispanismo Ecuatoguineano, un foro de encuentro con hispanistas del país africano, y se reunirá con el presidente de la Academia Ecuatoguineana de la Lengua Española (AEGLE), Agustín Nze Nfumu, así como con varios escritores.

The Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire
The Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire

With a simple reasoning we could explain the theory that sustains the great book The Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire, hoisted by Edward Gibbon. That reasoning is: a society unavoidably subjected to material conditions can be described in terms of tragedy; a society ruled by reason, that is, one that is free, can be described in terms of epic; but a society compounded by rational beings that is deceived by material accidents and psychological illusions deserves to be described in terms of satire. The said book is a methodic, philosophical, elegant and perdurable jeer against irrational beings, whose pretext was Rome. The famous sentence of Gibbon, quoted here and there as a slogan of the said work, thus gets a meaning, and it says: history is “the register of the crimes and follies and misfortunes of mankind” (1).

Public Opinion
Public Opinion

The following topics constitute the structure of the digital reputation of a public figure, and are either solid props to ameliorate or sustain it or accursed arms to destroy it. The young technocratic masses of our age feel they do not have some place in our modern economical and political structure, and that they are foredoomed to material poverty and invisibility, and by reason of this they eagerly applaud social media personages who appear before them relishing lyrical pleasures, e.g., a costly goblet of wine, a pied dash, a Cuban cigarette, or a bottle of whiskey with more peripeteias than them.


The ensuing anthropological depictions of moral corruption, I hope, will be useful for those propagandists who are working on behalf of justice. This brief text is the result of my observations in the spheres of politics and my multifarious readings. Our mind, when we suffer an accident here, a misfortune there, a disgrace today, and the bitter fruits of our improvident facts dropping like a rain of pain upon us, tends to frame a metaphysical scene in which tragedy is the main protagonist. Tragedy is a system too, which sometimes presents a light in order to alleviate the painful life of humanity. This light is called, in accordance with the analyses of Machiavelli, “occasione” (1).

Nicolás Guillén
Nicolás Guillén

This piebald comparative inquiry is the kernel of two experiences with two wenches. As I was gallivanting across a rut of kennels of a street of New York, I saw a hairlanked black woman, and I wooed her by using my most poetical and knightly resources and polite letters. Amid that hectic cityscape she accepted my words, which at that moment were only an echo of a line of a poem written by Lord Byron: “She walks in beauty, like the night” (1). She smiled, and we are good records of love now. I did the same thing in Mexico with another coloured lass. Decorum does not permit me to describe her barbarian reaction.

Sobre "Hotel Splendid" de Marie Redonnet
Portada de "Hotel Splendid" de Marie Redonnet
Portada de "Hotel Splendid" de Marie Redonnet

De hoteles y ruinas varias habló Juan Diego Madueño en El Mundo con su reportaje sobre el Hotel Joma en Jerez de la Frontera. Sin embargo, y a pesar de que la historia del “Hotel Splendid” de Marie Redonnet trate sobre un hotel al borde de la ruina, esta obra publicada en 1986, y ahora en español por la Editorial Malas Tierras, juega en su propia liga y presenta un escenario espléndido.

Spain Invoked
Instituto Cultural en Dublín
Instituto Cultural en Dublín

Ireland had for centuries looked to Spain for military and spiritual aid against the common enemy, England, and many poems exist to verify that plea for help. Roisin Dubh (Little Black Rose), a folk poem possible from the 1600s, is one of Ireland’s most famous political songs. It is based on an older love-lyric in which the title referred to the poet’s beloved rather than, as here, being a pseudonym for Ireland: Roisin, have no sorrow for all that has happened to you/the friars are out on the brine, they are travelling the sea,/your pardon from the Pope will come, from Rome in the East,/and we won’t spare the Spanish wine for my Roisin Dubh.

Zacharias Janssen
Zacharias Janssen

I’ve been weening the time-honored distinction between ancient and modern art. Time, I guess, isn’t a keen concept to split art. I’m going to talk a bit about this. Will we be “modern brethren” within ten thousand years? This discussion could endlessly be enlarged. I would like to hie the piebald literary connoisseurs to regard the microscope, or rather the microscopical worldview, which was well imprinted on the curious minds of the Greek pointy-heads (the phrase “οφθαλμος σου απλους” in Matthew 6: 22, and the word “καρδια” in Matthew 6: 21, evoke microscopical images) and on the minds of a Leibniz, of a Newton, as the hallmark of the said artsy rivers.


The very first line of Aristotle’s Rhetoric runs thus: “ ῥητορική ἐστιν ἀντίστροφος τῇ διαλεκτικῇ” (1). The quite wise ancient Greeks weened that every law-abiding democratic free citizen should be a dialectician and grasp the subtleties of that antistrophe, rhetoric, to shun being fooled by politicians, who are wont to stare at public opinion so as to learn from it which kind of enthymeme is the most persuasive in the agora (2). Public opinion has four faces, videlicet: orientation, degree, causality, and expectation. According to this, there must be four sorts of rhetoricians, and each one must’ve a specific class of audience. Such a couple gives rise to the question concerning the syllogisms, styles, moods, and proofs that an orator may handle to be a cajoling tongue. And, in our age, an age in which telecommunications are the main outlets of politicians, it’s unavoidable to deem the traits of the media they’ve at hand.

Teatro São Luiz, Museu da Farmácia, Cineteatro Capitólio, Cinema Ideal, ruas, livrarias, largos e praças de Lisboa
Festival Internacional Literatura e Língua Portuguesa
Festival Internacional Literatura e Língua Portuguesa

O Festival Lisboa 5L é o novo festival literário de Lisboa, que decorre entre 5 e 9 de maio de 2021 em teatros, cinema, livrarias e nas ruas, largos e praças da cidade. Organizado pela Câmara Municipal de Lisboa, o Lisboa 5L celebra o Dia Mundial da Língua Portuguesa e promove a Língua, a Literatura, os Livros, as Livrarias, a Leitura, os Autores e os seus Leitores.


¿Con ganas de sacarte un título de inglés que te dé nuevas posibilidades de empleo o una beca para estudiar en el extranjero? Ahora que el covid-19 está tan presente en nuestras vidas la idea de escaparnos una temporada fuera para aprender idiomas se ha quedado muy atrás pero, siempre hay buenas oportunidades.

Robinson Crusoe
Robinson Crusoe (Foto: Currier & Ives)

Technique is the main concern of an artistic writer, and subject-matter is the general anguish of a propagandistic writer, says G. Orwell[1] (1). Art is possible in quiet moral ages, he says. Propaganda, therefore, is the fruit of unquiet moral ages, in which the “whole scheme of values is constantly menaced”. Such constant moral fear transforms the literary criticism, which is “judicious, scrupulous, fair-minded”, into something impossible. Objectivity, that is, “intellectual detachment”, is the origin of the universal masterpiece. Is the Defoe's Robinson Crusoe a technical and objective book or is it mere English propaganda? Four thesis extracted from our propagandistic experience will test the famous book of Defoe.

[1] See The Frontiers of Art and Propaganda, published in the Listener, April 30, 1941. I offer Spanish translation in Don Palafox: donpalafox.blogspot.com/2018/12/fronteras-del-arte-y-la-propaganda.html

F. Scott Fitzgerald
F. Scott Fitzgerald (Foto: Archivo)

Jorge Luis Borges asseverates in scarce, arid lines, that F. S. Fitzgerald, whose vital mission was “to be brave”, represents, more than other authors of the American Jazz Age, the World War I´s post-days[1]. The Great Gatsby[2], ergo, is a historic document. H. L. Mencken declares that the Gatsby´s plot is just a “glorified anecdote” developed in “bawdy house parties”, in colorful fallacies that are inhabited by “marionettes”. Such an anecdote is valuable, he affirms, due to “the charm and beauty of the writing”, due to the sentences, which “roll along smoothly, sparklingly, variously”[3]. We will test these three adjectives.

La biblioteca Fernando del Paso en Beirut
La biblioteca Fernando del Paso en Beirut
El director del Instituto Cervantes, Luis García Montero, realizará a partir del 10 de mayo a un viaje de trabajo a Beirut (Líbano) para apoyar el trabajo cultural y docente que realiza el centro, que sufrió graves destrozos en la devastadora explosión que sacudió la ciudad el pasado 4 de agosto. Además, conocerá in situ la base española “Miguel de Cervantes”, cuyos militares en misión de paz de la ONU reciben formación del Instituto Cervantes para enseñar español a la población local, una labor humanitaria que ha beneficiado a casi 6.000 libaneses desde 2007.
Ministerio de Educación y Formación Profesional de España
Ministerio de Educación y Formación Profesional de España

El Ministerio de Educación y Formación Profesional (MEFP) publica la novena edición del informe ‘El mundo estudia español’ que detalla el trabajo en 33 países
Unos 130.000 alumnos estudiaron la lengua y la cultura españolas en los sistemas educativos de todo el mundo en 2020, gracias a los programas de promoción de la enseñanza del español de la Acción Educativa Exterior (AEE) del Ministerio de Educación y Formación Profesional. Así se refleja en el informe ‘El mundo estudia español 2020’, presentado, una publicación que recoge con detalle la situación del español en los sistemas educativos de 33 países.

Si estás interesado en el ámbito de la educación, tener dominio del inglés es fundamental. Ya sea que estés buscando cómo aprender inglés británico o inglés estadounidense, debes saber que lo ideal es siempre estudiar con profesores particulares de inglés o participar en algún programa de intercambio cultural, que tenga relación con tus estudios en tu país de origen, y te permita una experiencia de inmersión total.

Le Chili réécrit son avenir
Le Chili réécrit son avenir
Le week-end dernier, les 15 et 16 mai, les Chiliens ont voté pour réécrire en profondeur la Constitution de 1980, faite à la mesure de l’ancien dictateur Augusto Pinochet, qui a gouverné le Chili depuis le coup d’État militaire du 11 septembre 1973 jusqu’ à mars 1990. Le bilan de ces deux journées électorales est encore en train d’être analysé, mais nous pouvons déjà souligner la victoire du mouvement féministe qui a réussi à obtenir la première assemblée vraiment paritaire.
Seamus Deane
Seamus Deane
His new book, Small World: Ireland, 1798-2018, presents an unmatched survey of Irish writing, and of writing about Irish issues, from 1798 to the present day. Elegant, polemical and trenchant, it addresses the political, aesthetic and cultural dimensions of several notable literary and historical moments, and monuments, from the island’s past and present.
Jornadas escocesas de Teba
Jornadas escocesas de Teba

Del 25 al 28 de agosto, la Villa de Teba vuelve a celebrar una nueva edición de sus jornadas ‘Douglas’ Days’, una festividad declarada de Singularidad Turística por la Diputación de Málaga con la que el municipio rescata la memoria del noble escocés sir James Douglas por su relevante papel en la batalla de Teba en 1330, donde perdió la vida.

Henry Louis Mencken
Henry Louis Mencken

Henry Louis Mencken was a penetrating writer, who represented the crux of the journalism of America. Then, a philosophical analysis of his work will be useful to understand that journalism. To do this, I have perused A Gang of Pecksniffs[1], which is a compendium of texts engaged against the hypocrisy of mediocre newspapermen. Our point d’appui could be this simple Kantian sentence: we can not know things in an objective manner. Our necessary representations a priori, like geometry and arithmetic, give a form and an order to the various data coming from the exterior world.

[1] Mencken, Henry Louis, A Gang of Pecksniffs. New Rochelle, New York: Arlington House-Publishers, 1955.


Amidst a rainy night I was reperusing some Encyclopedia Britannica’s articles, and since by hook or by crook, as the folkloric phrase runs, I always meet German mythologies and Greek stanzas of yore, I found a text written by Kathleen Kuiper (1) versed in the symbol styled “Rumpelstiltskin”, whose gast spends the tides of its life in the drudging work of turning straw into gold. I thought, then, our mind is like an alchemist who by the hair unites extremes without grokking how or why those brinks could be together.

Chagall the Edifier
Chagall the Edifier

Our scooping finite mind, which is jostling athwart the fleeting and hitherandthitering reality from morning to night, is prone to sublime chimeras, to helter-skelter expressions without some tail tressed by adjectives or some head made of nouns, and to descry odds from the top of its wavering teleology. We can regard this hodgepodge of mental movements, with Kant, as the main crux of the “human intellect” in an “unphilosophical state” (1). The bleak lack of philosophy leads us to give an apparent rhapsodical accommodation to the sundry deeds of the world, and such an arrayment stands for a “Weltanschauung”, which is conveyed through religious words (2), which as spells hie us to believe in divinities. This apparent rhapsodical accommodation might be called “common sense”.

“555”, de Hélène Gestern

Una partitura antigua, codicia, amor, pasión por la música y la obra de Scarlatti conforman la banda sonora de una novela apasionante, un cruce vertiginoso de tiempos y vivencias que da comienzo a una investigación con un final inesperado.

“La enciclopedia de las hadas de Emily Wilde”, de Heather Fawcett
La enciclopedia de las hadas
La enciclopedia de las hadas

El sello Umbriel presenta su novedad más apetecible para este mes de febrero: “La enciclopedia de las hadas de Emily Wilde” de Heather Fawcett. Una novela encantadora y conmovedora que llega a nuestro país avalada por un gran éxito tanto en Estados Unidos como en Reino Unido.

Garcilaso de la Vega
Garcilaso de la Vega

Ten years have elapsed since I resolved to plunge into my memory the ensuing noserag-like fourteen sonnets written by Garcilaso de la Vega (1503, Toledo, Spain; 1536, Nice, France), with which one can palliate the snotgreen begotten by the wrack-monger blind Hap, by stubbornness, by the bedeviled industrial Romanticism swilled in Germany and France, by the stilted deaf Providence philosophised by Christianity, and by the uncouth ever-seething heathenism concocted by the warp of our wits. Such are the main themes of his poetry, by the way.

Alfred Tennyson
Alfred Tennyson

If metaphysics is the morningtide of art, and if the whilom is arrayed by the minion ideas of soul (“Seele”), world (“Welt”) and God (“Gott”), and if these flapping cloddish concepts are the tokens of the three main cravings of the human mind, videlicet, the setting of strong adjectives, the hoisting of stout hypotheses, and the blurbing of cosmogonies and apocalypses, then artists are those who can depict objects by means of an original garb, arrange them in an unmovable manner, and homogenizing them without lacking of accurateness. An artist is, ere all, one indued with the wit to beget a new sleight, to contrive hallowed dispositions, and to harmonize sundry objects within a tale.

Gouves Shelter
Gouves Shelter (Foto: Vic Echegoyen)

Strays, mill-pups and homeless dogs instead of sun, parties and Daikiris? Yes, Woof can!

A different flavor of summer holidays is gaining popularity as the choice for an increasing number of animal lovers – and people with a wish to meet different folks and cultures – who want to make great memories, and make a difference: saving hundreds of lives every year, finding the perfect pet for any family anywhere in the world, and offering food, medicine, shelter and love for animals in one of Europe’s most beautiful islands and holiday destinations: the Greek island of Crete.

Carlos Javier Jarquín
Carlos Javier Jarquín

¡Bienvenidos a la generación planetaria!
Por Carlos Javier Jarquín
• carlosjavierjarquin2690yahooes/25/25/31

CANTO PLANETARIO: HERMANDAD EN LA TIERRA (HC EDITORES, Costa Rica) es un proyecto independiente, gestionado en su totalidad por su compilador, si nexo alguno con organismos, instituciones, empresas, ideologías ni colectividades políticas, culturales, intereses económicos, concepciones sociales ni creencias religiosas. Los participantes y sus aportes están al margen de cualesquiera manifestaciones de discriminación, racismo, nacionalidad, edad, sexo, orientación sexual, discapacidad, raza, etnia, idioma, nivel económico, nivel académico, entre otras entelequias humanas. Este es un proyecto multilingüe, multi artístico y multicultural: un CANTO PLANETARIO en toda la extensión que promueve la paz y la hermandad global. Su temática central es el medioambiente.
